Stock List

FREE shipping on orders over $120! Our online shop features select items from our extensive stock. New products are added on a regular basis.

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us! If we do not have it, we will try our best to find it for you. We can special order items from any of our suppliers and we can place rush orders if you are in a hurry. Bulk orders may warrant an extra discount.

We are happy to ship internationally and you can reach us via phone, email or fax to discuss your needs in detail. For current albums and photos, visit Danceshoppe on Facebook, and check us out on Instagram.

416-225-6862 or 1-888-897-9393










We supply dancewear to all the major ballet companies in Canada, including The National Ballet of Canada & The Royal Winnipeg Ballet as well as to numerous dance companies, film & television productions, major theatre productions, music videos, & special event costuming. From big productions to small, we know how important it is to have dancewear you can depend on.


2025 Stock List

Pointe shoes
ETU, European Balance, Hannah, Heritage, Raffine, Suprima, Eurostretch, Balance Lisse by BLOCH, Whisper by MIRELLA,  Ava, Developpe, Glisse, Cambre, by CAPEZIO, Freed Pro, Freed Classic, Studio by FREED, 2007, SmartPointe, StarPointe, 2007 Pro, Fouette Pro, Fouette Proflex, Maya, Nova, Triumph, Ulanova II, Vaganova, Dream 2007 by GRISHKO, Akoya by RUSSIAN POINTE, Recital, Gloria, F.R. Duval 1.0 & 4.0 by SANSHA, Vole by PRIMA SOFT, GAYNOR MINDEN, Alena by SoDanca, Arial by Wear Moi

Ballet slippers
Bloch 205G, 225G, 205L, 258L, 273L, 220L, 277L, 251L, 282L, 625L, Freed Aspire satin slipper, Capezio 205C, 205, 212, 2037, 2038, FF01, V100, Angelo Luzio 246 & 248, Bodywrappers 250A Sansha Pro, Sansha Stretch Vegan, SoDanca SD16, SD55, BA26, SD60, Bloch Soft Block, Capezio Soft Block, Blendz, Grishko Model6

Jazz shoes & Dance sneakers
Bloch 403L, 470L, 473L, 495L, 497L, 499L, 499M, 400L, 498L, 538L, 923L, 926L, 598L, DN981G, DN981L, Capezio EJ2, CG05, DS11, Sansha V931, S37

Character/Tap shoes
Bloch 313L, 314L, 315G, 301L, 389L, 302L, Capezio CG19, 442C, 443, 459, 551, 700, 650, 656, 658, 653, CG16, 625C, CG09, 3800, 3800C, K540, Sansha CM91, SoDanca TA200, TA800, CH53

Latin/Ballroom shoes
Capezio, Bloch, SoDanca, Angelo Luzio, Sansha flamenco FL1. SoDanca flamenco

Lyrical/Teaching shoes
Bloch 602L, 619L, 427L, Capezio H07, H061, H062, H063, H064, 321, 323, FF01, Dance Paws, SoDanca MD16, Angelo Luzio 506A, 603A, Sansha SOLO6

Ainsliewear, Angelo Luzio, Bloch, Bodywrappers, Boomba, Bunhead, BPlus Printworks, Cartwhirler, Capezio, Covet Danceclothing, Dance Paws, Dasha Designs, DellAira Designs, Dream Duffle, FH2 Accessories, Flexistretcher, Freed, Gaynor Minden, Grishko, Happy Dance, Inner Fire, Intermezzo, Jale Flamenco Castanets, Jozette, Les Cygnes, Little Ballerina, Mimy Designs, Mirella, Mondor, Perfect Pointe, Pointe Paint, Prima Soft, Rac n Roll, Revolutionnaire, Rita B Costumes, Russian Pointe, Sansha, Soak Wash, SoDanca, Sugar and Bruno, Theraband, Wear Moi, Whirl-A-Style


We receive shipments every week & our stock is replenished regularly to maintain the quality of our dancewear. With our high turnover, you don't have to worry about whether your dancewear has been collecting dust on the shelves!